With Lacework, Snowplow secures their multicloud environments and protects against Log4j

Snowplow provides a platform to enable any company to collect first-party granular behavioral data for themselves, in their own cloud account, so that data practitioners can free themselves from the constraints imposed by web analytics vendors.

Currently, all of Snowplow’s internal systems run on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and they deploy data pipelines for their customers across AWS and Google Cloud. Prior to finding Lacework, Snowplow had used a number of different security solutions, but there was still a gap when it came to ensuring visibility while maintaining efficiency.

With Lacework, Snowplow was enabled to improve their multicloud security posture, prepare for compliance audits, and root out vulnerabilities. Read the case study for more details on how Lacework helped Snowplow:

  • Gain visibility into environments to determine exposure to vulnerabilities, including Log4j
  • Use reports to easily demonstrate compliance during audits
  • Secure AWS and Google Cloud environments, plus help with future expansion into Azure

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